November Sunset

November began with a week of fog and clouds and rain. On Friday the 7th, though, most of the clouds drifted away, and that evening, it was clear enough to see the sun as it set. It was beautiful, and so I grabbed the camera and headed down to the beach to get some photos. By the time I reached a good spot, however, the sun had sunk fully below the horizon. I wasn’t able to get any pics of the sun itself—but I did manage to get some decent pics of my surroundings illuminated by the afterglow.

November Sunset 1
November Sunset 2
November Sunset 3
November Sunset 4
November Sunset 5
November Sunset 6

Farmers Market

In my last post, I promised to share some full-color pictures from my excursion to the Farmers Market on Saturday, September 13. Here they are! 🙂

It was a bright, sunny day, and the early morning light flooded the lens at certain angles, so it was difficult to get photos of everything I wanted to. This pic kind of gives you an idea of what it was like.

Bright Day at the Market

Continue reading

Hometown Nostalgia

I miss my hometown. It’s about ten miles away from where I’m living right now, and I currently rely on the county’s crappy bus system for most of my transportation needs, so I typically travel there only when I have to for errands; it’s not often I get a chance to get into town for something enjoyable. I was lucky enough to do so this past weekend though, and I snapped a few shots while there. I decided to use these photos to try some new techniques using my current editing software and some filters I found online.

The bus depot is in front of City Hall, which also houses the police station. The building is an old schoolhouse, which later served as a community center, and has now been retrofitted to fit in with the scheme of the town’s Deco District.

Police Station

That arc you see in the lower right of the photo above is actually part of a bicycle rack that’s shaped like…a bicycle!

Bicycle Bike Rack

While waiting for the farmers market to officially open, I noticed this chap waiting too—possibly for the next bus to come round, as some other folks were doing nearer to the street.

Chap on the Stairs

I snapped way more than just these three photos, but those will have to wait for the next post. It was a fine, bright day, and the market was filled with cheerful people and ripe fruits and vegetables, so the remainder of the photos from that Saturday will be in full color to properly capture the atmosphere.

New Boardwalk Benches

If you’ve seen my blog before, you may remember that I did some posts about local benches a couple months ago. I have something of a fascination with them…especially the ones here in my small town, where they’re usually empty. Emptiness draws me in. Anyway, you may also remember specifically the boardwalk benches from my post “Empty Spaces / Local Benches (Part 1: The Outskirts)“. Photographing those benches, I came to view them almost animistically, as objects imbued with their own spirits. So it was with some sadness that I walked along that same boardwalk in mid-August—barely a month after I’d done my previous photo shoot—and found that they’d been replaced. Here are the before and after photos. Continue reading

Old Haunts, New Perspectives (Part 2: Things Artificial/Things Natural)

Of course there’s more than just boats and trains around here. My town is tucked away in a region of natural beauty, but it’s also known for its industry. I captured photos of both and it wasn’t until I got home and was sifting through them that I had some great pairs to contrast, so in keeping with my theme of “new perspectives” I’m trying something new and conceptual here. I hope you enjoy this photo set of things both artificial and natural.

Let the Sunshine In

Let the Sunshine In 1

Let the Sunshine In 2 Continue reading

Old Haunts, New Perspectives (Part 1: Things That Go)

About a week ago, I took a break from the business side of things that I’ve been focusing on just to go out and get behind the camera again. As you may know, I live in a pretty small town, so there’s not a lot of variation in the scenery. I hit up the usual places, but I still managed to get some new and interesting photos of subjects I’ve captured before.

First down at the tracks by the mill…

The Little Engine That Could


…and then down at the marina. Continue reading

Up and Running

Hi, everyone! It’s been a while since my last post, hasn’t it? I just wanted to check in to say that I’m still alive and well. If you follow me on Twitter, you may have seen a post or two from me there. I’ve been pretty busy “setting up shop” so to speak. I’ve been uploading some older work to deviantART and, where they’re now available a prints. You can access the items I have for sale through the art galleries here on my website.

Now that everything is up and running, I can focus on more recent work, some of which I’ll be blogging here and some of which will be exclusive uploads to those other websites, so follow me there or just keep an eye out on my Twitter account for news when something is available. And definitely keep an eye out here for more! Expect to see, of course, some train graffiti and some more local benches, as well as local scenery, but also some other subjects as well. I expect to be posting semi-regularly again by the end of the week.

Please look forward to it! 😀